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Understanding our role as a member of society

Description of the Sitio

The roads in the Sitio are narrow, making it difficult to travel by car. The road quality is below par, with enough space for only smaller vehicles to comfortably pass through. The houses appear poorly constructed and closely packed. According to the respondent, flooding issues are prevalent, likely due to the absence of a proper drainage system. The area is also untidy, with numerous amounts graffiti and moss covering the walls.


Drug abuse and crime are concerns, possibly influenced by the location's distance from the nearest police station. This problem is worsened by the close proximity of houses, providing an environment conducive to such incidents. Additionally, the compact nature of the community increases the risk of fire. Yet despite all this the Sitio seems to thrive with the people living their lives everyday with a smile looking forward for the better, this resilience keeps the community together.                                            

Summary of the information


Our interviewee exhibited a shy demeanor, yet she conveyed a kind expression during our interaction. Despite a challenging childhood that involved losing both parents at the age of 11 and being compelled to live with her aunt and abusive cousins, she successfully graduated from high school. After moving from Leyte to Cebu to be with her husband, she has been residing in the area for 15 years, raising five children, with the eldest currently in grade 10. Her desire to stay in the community is driven by her commitment to her family. Notably, she expressed disappointment that the anticipated government-initiated changes never materialized.

Her story serves as a powerful example for the resilience and perseverance of a human being. 


Integrating the Experience with Philosophy

Our experiences are connected to our lesson from Philosophy. This highlights how important it is to understand one another and acknowledge the commonality of human existence. These interactions have had a long-lasting effect on us as students, giving us a better understanding of the various lifestyles that each of us leads and increasing our gratitude for what we already have. It facilitates mutual understanding and experience-based learning. Using the philosophical ideas we have learned, her move from Leyte to Cebu required her to adjust to new circumstances as well as the unique customs and values of a new community. She had to learn to live with unfamiliar social roles, socialization processes, and cultural dynamics, which required her to adjust to a lot of different things.

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Personal Reflections

Batiaan Van de Griend

I've realized I need to appreciate what I have and the people around me more, as I tend to take things for granted. Interacting with people, especially the person we interviewed, has shown me that some folks have very little and would be happy to be in my position. I should be content and happy with the things given to me in life and cherish every moment with my parents since they won’t always be there.

Jacob Sy

Listening to the stories about our participants journey has opened my eyes and made me realize how different everyone's life is. Each person has their own story to tell. Understanding that has made me more grateful for the life I have and where I am  today. 

Euclid Kiamco

I realized that we need to appreciate what we have and those around us. We need to respect and appreciate the unfortunate ones and support them. During the hard times they suffered, they are still happy about the things they have. We should be happy with every moment in our life since we could be like them.

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